History & Mission
The Blue Ridge Independent Living Center (BRILC) is a private, nonprofit community organization that was established in 1989 to assist individuals with disabilities to live independently. The Center also serves the community at large by helping to create an environment that is accessible to all.
BRILC provides the five (5) core services of peer counseling, independent living skills training, advocacy, information and referral, and transition services including youth transition and nursing home transition.
In addition to assisting individuals to locate affordable/accessible housing, we sometimes have funding available to complete home modifications such as grab bars, ramps, etc.
BRILC also assists individuals with disabilities who want to return to work or to work more hours. These services are sometimes provided under the Ticket to Work program. Staff can also assist individuals with disabilities to determine how working will impact their benefits.
In addition, BRILC assists individuals with disabilities to file applications for Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security or appeal decisions. In addition, BRILC assists individuals with disabilities with overpayment waivers.
The Center also houses a number of support groups such as a Men’s Club, a CoedGroup and a Kiwanis Aktion Club.
If you would like additional information about the Center and the services we provide, contact BRILC at 540-342-1231 (v/tty) or VA Relay 711.