Our Mission
The Blue Ridge Independent Living Center assists people with disabilities to live independently.
The Center also serves the community at large by helping to create an environment that is accessible to all.
The Center, established in July 1989, is a private, non-profit community agency with non-residential programs. Support for service is received from state and federal sources and donations from regional businesses and individuals. The Center is governed by a Board of Directors with a majority of members having disabilities.
The Center serves residents of the Fifth Planning District of Virginia which includes the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke and the cities of Covington, Roanoke and Salem.
Need equipment? We’ve got it!

Core Services
Assistance in gaining equal access to services that individuals with disabilities are entitled to receive. Click to learn more.
Independent Living Skill Training
Assistance in obtaining the skills needed to live independently, such as financial management, acquired social skills, household management, etc. Click to learn more.
Peer Mentoring
Counseling for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. Click to learn more.
Transition Services
Facilitate transition of youth to post-secondary life, from nursing homes and other institutions to the community, and prevent institutionalization. Click to learn more.
Information & Referral
Information about assistive equipment, recreation, accessibility, legislation, and other disability-related issues. Referrals are also made to local service providers to assist individuals to locate resources needed to become or remain independent and in the community. Click to learn more.